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Tort Law Revision Hangman on the Defence of Ex turpi Causa


Ex turpi Causa hangman

1._________ v Turner - a burglar was injured when the get away car crashed.
2. In this case it was held that ex turpi causa precluded the imposition of a duty of care on rider of the motorcycle.
3. __________ v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester - C was injured when he jumped out of a window to escape the police.
4._________ v Camden & Islington Health Authority - C argued D's inadequate care for his mental problems lead him to stabbing a complete stranger.
5. Cross v ________  - a hunt saboteur was injured in an altercation with a land owner.
6. Murphy v ___________ - C was killed by D when he went to his house with a group of men to beat him up.
7. In this case a wife brought an action against her lover for shooting her husband.
8. Revill v _______ D shot an intruder.
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Tort Law Revision Hangman on the Defence of Ex Turpi Causa